You may have noticed that I have been keeping a low profile for a couple weeks (also known as “neglecting my blog” but why use such language?). So here’s an update on what’s been going on:
First off, I left my day-job, and I wanted to spend the last couple weeks tying up all my loose ends there. Especially being secure in the knowledge that, when I was finished, I’d be able to devote ALL OF MY TIME to making art & comics & (hopefully) comics that are art.
So now that’s what’s happening: I am going to try my luck at being a full-time artist & illustrator for awhile. If it works out, I’ll be doing it forever. Obviously that’s what I’m hoping for, because as you may have realized, I really really REALLY love drawing and painting, and I want to be able to do what I love.
In the next few months (and hopefully much longer), I’ll be working hard at getting myself off the ground art-wise. I have loads of ideas and plans for various graphic memoirs and paintings and even fictional comics, possibly zines or booklets, definitely prints, and so on. As I work on those things, I’ll be posting progress sketches and the like here, as usual, as well as notes whenever something is published.
If you want to help me fulfill my hopes and dreams & be able to continue creating stuff indefinitely, first of all that makes me really happy. :) And second of all, here are some things you can do:
- Follow me on twitter.
- Read this blog & share any posts you particularly like.
- Get in touch if you need illustrations or other artwork done and you think my work would be a good fit.
- Keep up with my portfolio, which I update regularly with finished versions of things that I post here while they are in-progress.
Otherwise, just keep being wonderful and supportive, which I assume you are if you made it to the end of this post!
Thanks for reading & wish me luck!