Remember when I said I would probably be posting about more books from the wonderful Nobrow Press? Well, here I am to make good on my promise.
I don’t want to say too much about The New Ghost by Robert Hunter, because it’s a very very short story that can be read in fifteen minutes, if you don’t linger too long on any one page.
It’s about a ghost who only recently became a ghost, and his introduction to the ways of the other, more seasoned ghosts.
The new ghost is especially interested in how the older ghosts interact with living humans.
It’s kind of a quiet, subtle story that still manages to feel like it has created a big world by the end. The art style enhances this: Hunter uses a muted color palette and none of the black outlines that often separate objects in comics from their backgrounds. But it still manages to be incredibly detailed and expressive…
…and kind of heartbreaking.