If you know me, you know that I lack a sense of direction. (It isn’t BAD; rather it is NON-EXISTENT, like this.) I get lost a lot, including in my own neighborhood(s) pretty regularly.
As you might imagine, I get lost even more in unfamiliar locations. Sometimes funny or interesting stories come from times I’ve gotten lost, alone or with others, in exotic places. So I’m making a small series of comics about some of those times. It’s called Lost In, and I’ll be publishing it here as I finish pieces of it.
Oh, and not all of the stories will be about me getting lost because of my directional issues; though some will, there are many reasons we humans get lost. A lack of direction is only one.
Here’s the introduction to Lost In Hong Kong, my first story in the series (click to enlarge):
All Hong Kong cityscapes are based on photographs Tom & I took while on our trip there. Painted with acrylics & water; inked in pen as always.
The next part of Lost In Hong Kong will be available soon! I’m already working on it. :)