I’ve been reading a billion comics lately, but I had absolutely NO TROUBLE deciding which one to post about first on this blog.
“Forming” by Jesse Moynihan is fucking fantastic. On like at least eight different levels.

First of all, it is in beautiful vibrant color. I have a giant soft spot for things that are very obviously hand-painted and hand-lettered, and this is like Example #1 of why it is awesome when people do non-digital paintings. Also, I totally get why lots of comics are in black-and-white. And often I like that look a great deal. But there’s something about color…

It is also worth noting that Vol. 1 of Forming is just like a really pretty book. I’m kind of a luddite about books and print in general, even though I love the internet for lots of things. I have a collection of over 1000 books in my tiny Manhattan apartment (we are VERY creative with space). People are always telling me to get rid of them, but I’m way too attached.
(Forming is published by Nobrow, for the record. They make lots of beautiful books and things. I will probably post about some other stuff of theirs at some point in the near future…)

Another reason why Forming is awesome: The writing is actually hilarious. It’s basically the story of the origin of humanity on Earth, with lots of biblical stuff thrown in, as well as space aliens. But all the characters use very crass modern slang. Which, if poorly done, would maybe be stupid or obnoxious or whatever. BUT IT IS NOT. It is great.

In conclusion, go read Forming. NOW. And then once you’ve decided it’s awesome, you should go buy the first volume. Because I want there to be a second volume.