Concept for a small piece of a large (secret) project


I’m working on kind of an extensive project (spoiler: it’s a comic.. thing) with a friend of mine. Here is a concept for a seal or crest from aforementioned Secret Project.

Eventually, I’d like to make the edges a little more ornate & distinctive, but what was important to get done at this stage was the basic composition of the circle. Decorative stuff will come later… Also I have no idea yet what the colors are going to be for this. I haven’t yet decided if they should be somewhat naturalistic or very logo-ish like maybe just two colors total (the hands and border white, for example, and the negative space black). Maybe next time I post this or another crest I’ll have figured that out….

(I’ll definitely be posting lots more cryptic stuff from Secret Project in the next few months… It has begun to consume a nice-sized chunk of my life.)

2 thoughts on “Concept for a small piece of a large (secret) project

  1. Pingback: What Is Happening: Gears & Gals Edition | b-sides & rarities by elizabeth simins

  2. Pingback: What Is Happening: Clip Art & Crustaceans Edition | b-sides & rarities by elizabeth simins

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